Novel time–frequency characterization of electrochemical noise data in corrosion studies using Hilbert spectra

Title Novel time–frequency characterization of electrochemical noise data in corrosion studies using Hilbert spectra
Publication Type Journal Article
Year of Publication 2013
Authors Homborg, AM, van Westing, EPM, Tinga, T, Zhang, X, Oonincx, PJ, Ferrari, GM, de Wit, JHW, Mol, JMC
Journal Corrosion Science
Volume 66
Pagination 97 – 110
Date Published 2013/01//
ISBN Number 0010-938X
Keywords A. Mild steelA. stainless steelC. Anodic dissolutionC. Pitting corrosion
Abstract Hilbert spectra, calculated with the Hilbert–Huang transform, are presented here as an analysis technique for the characterization of electrochemical noise data in corrosion studies. A highly detailed decomposition of the original current and potential data is provided in time and frequency simultaneously. Results on the decomposition of individual transients into their instantaneous frequencies at each moment in time are presented for five different corrosion processes: AISI304 in HCl solutions at different concentrations and AISI304 as well as mild steel in a 3 wt.% NaCl solution. The results demonstrate the potential of this technique to identify and distinguish different corrosion mechanisms.
Short Title Corrosion Science


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