Experimental investigation into the effects of ICCP and scale formation on MIC on HSLA steel

Title Experimental investigation into the effects of ICCP and scale formation on MIC on HSLA steel
Publication Type Conference Paper
Year of Publication 2012
Authors Bruin, A, D’Souza, F, Heyer, A, F. Morales, L
Conference Name 16th Annual International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling
Date Published 2012///
Abstract where bacteria will strike although to a certain extent the risk of corrosion due to microbes could be established.Hence, prevention of MIC is of utmost importance for the assurance of the integrity of materials and in
Cathodic protection (CP) is a corrosion protection system widely used both in the maritime field and in the energy
sector and has been found to have influence on MIC processes. The objective of this study was to investigate in a
laboratory se
tup the effects of continuous impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) and pre
calcareous layer applied through CP, on MIC mixed biofilm of
P. fluorescens
D. indonesiensis
, on HSLA type
355 steel. Microscope
images of surfaces were taken f
rom all panels before and after the experiments. Corrosion
of panels was assessed through visual observation and light microscopy. Biofilms were assessed using
epifluorescence microscopy after staining with
phenylindole (
Based on th
e results the following conclusions were drawn: CP did not inhibit biofilm formation. In presence of
biofilm CP of
1.050 V (Ag/AgCl) showed less or no corrosion on smooth steel surfaces even after two months
exposure period, while
0.950 V (Ag/AgCl) cath
odically protected steel showed pitting attack within 10 days. Bare
steel without a biofilm is protected against corrosion at
0.850 V (Ag/AgCl ). Steel panels with a calcareous layer
(developed during 5 days exposure to

1.050 V (Ag/AgCl)) and subsequent
exposure to MIC bacteria showed
similar biofilm growth but
corrosion attack could not be observed


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Joost van Dam

Expert Corrosion & Materials

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